Prof Kerstin Jordaan, Executive Director of the South African Mathematics Foundation (SAMF), acknowledges the challenges highlighted in the article Why South Africa Continues to Lag in Maths and Science Education (IOL Daily News, 20 December 2024). For the past 20 years, SAMF has made a significant contribution towards fostering mathematics excellence. The organisation’s impact, while substantial, is currently limited by available funding, highlighting an opportunity to expand its support to reach even more learners across the country.
"Addressing the gaps in mathematics education requires a collaborative effort. We need more philanthropists to join us in supporting initiatives aimed at improving mathematics outcomes,” says Prof Jordaan.
SAMF actively contributes to learner development through its flagship programmes: the South African Mathematics Challenge for Grades 4 to 7, supported by the Actuarial Society of South Africa (ASSA), the National Research Foundation’s South African Agency for Science and Technology Advancement (SAASTA), and the Association for Mathematics Educators in South Africa (AMESA); and the Old Mutual South African Mathematics Olympiad for Grades 8 to 12, co-sponsored by the South African Institute for Chartered Accountants (SAICA). These programmes inspire learners to engage with mathematics, enhance problem-solving skills, and develop a deeper understanding of the subject.
With registrations now open for the 2025 editions of both the Challenge and Olympiad, Prof Jordaan urges mathematics teachers across the country to register their entire classes. “Participation at any level contributes to building learners' confidence and enthusiasm for mathematics,” she adds.
The South African Mathematics Challenge for Grades 4 to 7 takes place over three rounds in two divisions; one for Juniors (Grades 4 and 5) and one for Seniors (Grades 6 and 7). Teachers can choose to let their learners write online or the pen-and-paper version. All registered learners write the first round at their individual schools on any day from 11 to 14 March 2025. All learners who achieve 50% or higher advance to the second round on 22 May. Learners write the second round at their schools, but this time SAMF marks the answer sheets. Thereafter, approximately 100 top performers per grade write the final round on 11 September 2025.
The Old Mutual South African Mathematics Olympiad for Grades 8 to 12 takes place over three rounds in two divisions; one for Juniors (Grades 8 to 9) and one for Seniors (Grades 10 to 12). Teachers can choose to let their learners write online or the pen-and-paper version. All registered learners write the first round at their individual schools on 13 March 2025. All learners who achieve 50% or higher advance to the second round on 15 May. Learners write the second round at their schools, but this time SAMF marks the answer sheets. Thereafter, approximately 100 top performers from each division will write the final round on 31 July 2025.
Recognising the concern that not all mathematics teachers have the necessary skills to teach the subject effectively, SAMF also offers teacher training programmes. These initiatives equip educators with the tools and resources to better prepare their learners for programmes like the Challenge and Olympiad, while simultaneously enhancing their teaching methods for the classroom.
SAMF remains steadfast in its commitment to mathematics education and advocacy. With greater support from the public, private, and philanthropic sectors, the Foundation aspires to expand its reach and deepen its impact on the future of mathematics in South Africa.
For more information about SAMF’s programmes or to register for the competitions, please visit
Can i get some AMESA or SAMF papers. I just need to study for my first round of AMESA that I'm going to write. I would really appreciate it if you can help me through this competition of Amesa. Thank you for your time. Just send me some papers if it's possible. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.