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Govender looking forward to golden years after lifetime in education
Govender looking forward to golden years after lifetime in education

First published online.

It is the end of an era for education in the Eastern Cape as the man responsible for upskilling some of the province’s most influential mathematics and technical teachers hangs his hat on a career spanning more than four decades. 

Dr Vasuthavan Govender, the chief education specialist at the Nelson Mandela Provincial Teacher Development Institute, is serving his last offi...

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Meet the Genius Behind the Numbers
Meet the Genius Behind the Numbers

In September 2022, Grade 12 learner Benjamin Kleyn, from Parel Vallei High School in Somerset West in the Western Cape, triumphed over 134 university students in the annual South African Tertiary Mathematics Olympiad (SATMO), organised by the South African Mathematics Foundation (SAMF) and sponsored by Standard Bank. 

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The Importance of Parental Involvement in Children's Math Education
The Importance of Parental Involvement in Children's Math Education

Mathematics is a critical skill in today's world, yet many parents struggle to help their children with their homework. The @Home with Mathematics project will bridge this gap by empowering parents and caregivers with the skills and knowledge they need to support their children's learning. With funding support, the South African Mathematics Foundation can continue to connect communities and create...

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Inspiring the Next Generation of Mathematicians: The Legacy of Dr Cerene Rathilal
Inspiring the Next Generation of Mathematicians: The Legacy of Dr Cerene Rathilal

On 12 May every year, the mathematics community celebrates the International Day of Women in Mathematics. The day commemorates the birthday of the Iranian mathematician and Fields Medal recipient Maryam Mirzakhani (1977-2017). Maryam is a role model for female mathematicians worldwide. One such mathematician is Dr Cerene Rathilal, a lecturer at the University of KwaZulu - Natal’s School of Mathema...

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Improving Mathematics Outcomes Through Teacher Training
Improving Mathematics Outcomes Through Teacher Training

In an effort to improve mathematics education in South Africa, the South African Mathematics Foundation (SAMF) is working in partnership with the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences’ Schools Enrichment Centre (AIMSSEC), to provide extensive teacher training to help improve the country’s mathematics outcomes.

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eBook: 1000 Mathematical Olympiad Problems

Prof Pillay compiled A Training Manual for South African Mathematics Olympiads in 2014. This publication has been extensively revised and extended, resulting in 1000 Mathematics Olympiad Problems. This 637-page printed version is, like its predecessor, directed to all learners who participate in Mathematics Olympiads. Equal attention is given to entry-level Olympiad problems, as well as challenging questions that provide ample preparation for learners who advance to higher rounds in local and international competitions. The book has been designed so that it can be used by teachers who plan to train their learners in solving non-routine problems. It is also eminently suitable for self-study. Each problem is assigned a cognitive level, ranging from Level 2 to Level 10, as well as the areas that are tested. The solutions to all the problems are given in detail. The eleven Lessons and six Appendices cover almost all the theory that is required to solve the problems, providing the wherewithal for both teachers and talented young learners to extend their mathematical horizons considerably. In particular, teachers can teach a lesson that is in the curriculum and select problems that are more challenging than the ones that routinely appear in school textbooks. In this way, problem-solving skills of all learners from Grades 7 to 12 would be greatly enhanced.
400,00 incl tax

Hard copy: 1000 Mathematical Olympiad Problems

Prof Pillay compiled A Training Manual for South African Mathematics Olympiads in 2014. This publication has been extensively revised and extended, resulting in 1000 Mathematics Olympiad Problems. This 637-page printed version is, like its predecessor, directed to all learners who participate in Mathematics Olympiads. Equal attention is given to entry-level Olympiad problems, as well as challenging questions that provide ample preparation for learners who advance to higher rounds in local and international competitions. The book has been designed so that it can be used by teachers who plan to train their learners in solving non-routine problems. It is also eminently suitable for self-study. Each problem is assigned a cognitive level, ranging from Level 2 to Level 10, as well as the areas that are tested. The solutions to all the problems are given in detail. The eleven Lessons and six Appendices cover almost all the theory that is required to solve the problems, providing the wherewithal for both teachers and talented young learners to extend their mathematical horizons considerably. In particular, teachers can teach a lesson that is in the curriculum and select problems that are more challenging than the ones that routinely appear in school textbooks. In this way, problem-solving skills of all learners from Grades 7 to 12 would be greatly enhanced.
650,00 incl tax

CD:Enjoying Mathematics 2

The questions and solutions from 2001 to 2012 of the junior level (grades 8-9) of the South African Mathematics Olympiad have been categorised and compiled together to form this book. Learners and teachers can easily navigate from a question to the model answer. The publication is available as a CD.
330,00 incl tax

CD: A Training Manual for SA Mathematics Olympiad

The manual is especially useful for those who want to prepare for Round 1 and 2 of the South African Mathematics Olympiad. The book is divided in to three sections: Problems, Lessons and Solutions. An attempt is made in the lessons to cover the theory that is required for the solutions of most of the problems. The solutions are represented in such a way that most of the learners would understand them. The publication is available as a CD.
340,00 incl tax