

Each year, thousands of primary and high school learners participate in the NESTLÉ NESPRAY South African Mathematics Challenge (SAMC) and the Old Mutual South African Mathematics Olympiad (SAMO). Registration for the two competitions started earlier this month, and the closing date for entries is on 5 March 2021.
In the week starting on 15 March 2021, Grade 4 to 7 learners from Sweet Valley Primary School in the Western Cape will join others from across the country in the first round of the annual NESTLÉ NESPRAY South African Mathematics Challenge (SAMC).
Each year, thousands of high school learners participate in the annual Old Mutual South African Mathematics Olympiad (SAMO). The country's schools are getting ready to open for the 2021 academic year, and once again mathematics teachers will have an opportunity to register their learners for this prestigious competition.
Advanced Mathematics programmes for 2021 -Tuesday, 26 January 2021
The South African Mathematics Foundation (SAMF) released the dates of its countrywide learner development and teaching enrichment programmes for the new academic year last week.
For more than 40 years, primary school learners countrywide have been taking part in the annual NESTLÉ NESPRAY South African Mathematics Challenge (SAMC). The South African Mathematics Foundation (SAMF) became the organisers of the Challenge after the Association for Mathematics Education of South Africa (AMESA) approached the organisation in 2011 for assistance with the fast-growing competition.
Each year, thousands of high school learners participate in the annual Old Mutual South African Mathematics Olympiad (SAMO). The country's schools are preparing to commence the 2021 academic year later this month, and once again mathematics teachers will have an opportunity to register their learners for this prestigious competition.
Earlier this afternoon the South African Mathematics Foundation (SAMF) and Old Mutual hosted the 2020 Annual Awards Function as a live broadcast on the SAMF YouTube channel. The event honoured learners, schools, and teachers that achieved in the various development programmes run by the organisation every year.
The quality of mathematics education in South Africa has been a topic of discussion for many years. Mathematically gifted learners tend to seek careers in software development, medicine, engineering, and accounting. It is unusual for mathematically talented students to pursue a teaching career, which presents the country with severe challenges in terms of mathematics education.
On Saturday, 17 October 2020 a total of 111 teams from 25 regions competed for the top team position in the ASSA South African Mathematics Team Competition sponsored by the Actuarial Society of South Africa.
South Africa's investment in education has grown in recent decades. But while access to primary education expanded, the state of South Africa's education largely lags international standards. Be a hero and contribute towards the Mathematics Guardian Fund.